Dan & Co. Home Boarding Club for Dogs

21 Netton Street Bishopstone Salisbury United Kingdom SP5 4DD

NHS Discount:
Free life membership

About Dan & Co. Home Boarding Club for Dogs

IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE CARE FOR YOUR DOG WHILE YOU'RE AWAY OR OUT AT WORK ... Dan & Co. provides a comprehensive residential & daycare service for dogs throughout Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset. Whenever you need to be away, you can leave your dog with us and we will care for him or her as you would yourself. He will receive all of the attention and companionship that he is used to receiving in your home. Your dog will be staying in the home of one of our carefully selected carers. We always arrange for you and your dog to visit the carer before you go away, so you know exactly where he is and whom he is with. All of our carers are dog-lovers who have extensive experience with dogs. All homes have been inspected and approved by us. And we are on call at all times. How much does this service cost? £16 per day.

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