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Ongoing crisis; thanking businesses for their support

The last two and a half years have been some of the most difficult times Britain has ever faced, particularly for the NHS. During these times, the businesses on this site showed incredible support to the NHS staff, offering their sincerest thanks and praise. Below are a few quotes of support shown by some of the businesses.

"To all the amazing human beings who have worked hard to keep our local communities healthy and happy - we appreciate you and are so super grateful. Please also take time to look after yourselves - to keep us healthy you must be happy too! Thank You! FITNESStheory, Epsom, UK" - FITNESS theory, Epsom

“You all do a superb job , life would be much harder if it wasn't the work , hours , effort and patience you give us all , thank you”. – Marlborough Hotel, Shanklin

“You are truly unsung heroes, absolute national treasure. Thank you for everything you do!” – The Oldswinford Tandoori, Stourbridge

Businesses registered on Health Staff Discounts have praised and admired the hard work, effort, dedication and commitment of the NHS staff during these difficult times; many have increased their discounts.

Currently, the NHS are experiencing yet another wave of COVID-19 patients, with hospitalisation rates surging by a staggering 30% a week!

As of July 4th, 2022, the number of UK COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital stood at 2,145. While, 13,518 UK COVID-19 patients remain in hospital.

With backlogs, staff absentees from illness and burnout, many hospitals and close to breaking point.

At this difficult time, we would like to thank all the businesses registered for their ongoing support.

Edi Salihu Edi Salihu
Published 07/17/2022 17:22
  • covid wave
  • ongoing support
  • thank you NHS
  • thank you businesses
  • difficult times
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Last Activity 08/23/2022 04:59